
General Information

Full Name Nguyen, Tran The hung
Languages English, Vietnamese


  • 2021-2025
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    • Asian School of the Environment, PhD program
    • thesis title "Genomic Characteristics of the Southeast Asian Populations"
      • demographic history
      • natural selection signals
  • 2017-2019
    China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
    • International master program in Biomedical Science
    • Thesis title "Candidate Genes Association Study of Putative Enzymes of the Tricyclic Acid Cycle (Fumarase, Succinate Dehydrogenase, Aconitase) and Diabetic Nephropathy in Taiwanese Population"
  • 2010-2016
    Doctor of Medicine
    Ho Chi Minh city university of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam
    • general medicine


  • 2019-2021
    Bioinformatician, computational biology department.
    Vin Big Data Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam.
    • database of genomic variation for Vietnamese (DGV4VN)
    • genotype imputation from Vietnamese data reference panel and medical relevance of DGV4VN sequencing data.
    • sample collection for genome asia 100K research project
      • prepare DNA-sample quality criteria
      • collect meta-data
  • 2017
    Tan Binh district Hospital, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

Open Source Projects

  • 2022
    • various snippet and tools I used for my analysis

Honors and Awards

  • 0
    • place holder

Academic Interests

  • Human genetics
    • demographic history
    • natural selection signal
  • Topic 2.
    • Description 1.
    • Description 2.

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: chess