Project with comment

a project without thumbnail, without category

content of the project


  • no category line will make the project not appear
  • category blank would have no appearance
  • only category fun and work accepted

try making comment appear with the block of liquid code

This is the safe way

  • select the block of code inside the liquid tags

However, try going the standard route is better

  • edit the html layout and copy the universal code provided by disqus
  • right now the code do not work for this project. There is comment in the 1st project loaded for the new disqus shortname only
  • use code provided my al-folio make it work. The difference lie in the disqus_shortname and identifier.
  • find the liquid code in the about layout
  • _pages/ state that social tags is true, investigate _layouts/about.html
  • _includes/social.html seem like the place that print the social icon code
  • print github icon with link inside the social class html to make it appear in the center
  • can link the github icon appearance to front matter to automate the process